News from Nonna: Six Miles, Three Hikers, and a Beautiful Day!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Six Miles, Three Hikers, and a Beautiful Day!

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Richard has been begging Jacqui and I to go hiking with him in the Rocky Mountain National Forest.  So Saturday was the day. It was glorious, the weather was cool, we took jackets, and the scenery was magnificent.  You have to consider the state of the hiking crew.  Jacqui is five months pregnant, Richard is still limping from his ATV accident and I have two rods, four screws, and a metal cage in my spine.  What a crew.  We however thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  And it was up hill both ways! :)

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There were horses going up to the top of the mountain, I wish we could have hitched a ride! But where is the pain in that?

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Actually, my favorite part of the hike.  This little fellow climbed up on our hands, legs, and arms to get the PIstachio nuts that I had.  I am sure he has enough food storage for the winter.  I couldn’t stop feeding him.Verlinda Camera 052

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Thanks RIchard for the adventure.  I would do it all over again, but six miles! surely I will loose a few ounces…….


Stephanie said...

Wow! You guys are adventurous! And Jacqui went five months pregnant...she's a trooper! You're pictures are beautiful.

Lacey said...

That's awesome, I love that you guys did that! Go you guys!