News from Nonna: RUN! IT MUST BE THE END OF THE WORLD.....

Monday, July 21, 2008


Always a rainbow at the end of the storm.....

Actual water running in the streets!! This is too good to be true!

One of the things that I miss most about good old Kansas City is a rainstorm.....Ah, thunder, lightning, huge and long rainstorms. It just makes me homesick thinking about them. In Denver, every afternoon it looks like it could rain, and does, every 6". That is, it rains one drop every 6 inches apart. That's It! So we are sitting around the table here and all of a sudden it sounds like rain. Actual thunder and lightning! I run and open the door and get my camera because I want to document this for my own recolletion. Actual rain. We all stood outside in the garage and just soaked it in. Of course, this was the one night that we had plans. There was a banjo concert in the park and we were on our way! DELIVERANCE!!! One side of my face is happy (rain), one side of my face is sad (no concert) at the same time. I looked wonderful........Jonathan said, "Mom just wait a minute, nothing will be cancelled. Lo and behold, I remember this isn't KC and we wait ten minutes. On to the concert! The end of the world abated for one more day :)

Jonathan, in his role as a pack horse. How many more children are you going to have? :) Jacqui talking to the professional about strings, music lessons, etc. Notice she is from the South with her gesturing and all.....


TD said...

I love the rain. My children would love to live in Denver. They get very frightened at the sign of clouds. That means that there could be lightning, and thunder. Oh, my.

JJ said...

First of jealous about the rain! I wish for it daily here and we so rarely get anything good. What do I expect? I live in the desert. wish that I could have been there for the concert. I'm missing out on so much and reading your posts makes my heart hurt.

Jenny said...

I love the storms too. Lots of thunder and lightning! You guys make me want to move to Denver. Love you!