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I Left Home For This!!!!!!
Jenny and Chris had scheduled a time to clear out a little room for Greg at Mom's house. They dropped the gentle hint that they would like for me to come........So on Sunday after church, I had to teach in Relief Society, we hopped in the car and drove to Idaho Falls. We even tried a new way thanks to Sr. Garmin. We arrived late that night and got up running the next day to work on Mom's house. We did that for three days straight. I know that she was raised during the depression and is uncooperative when we suggest getting rid of anything. I understand that, but there were a great many things that have outlived their usefulness. So under much duress, (Mom was not only not happy, I think she was angry) we started going through closets and cupboards and getting rid of things. I am the great "throw this away," kind of gal. Clutter makes me nervous and so Jenny and Chris would look at me, raise something up, and I would shake my head to chuck it!!!!!!! Poor Mom, she still hasn't forgiven me. But I tell you, she won't miss a thing that we got rid of. Who needs a trash can, I mean a big one, full of plastic lids with no bottoms? Bless her heart. She kept telling me that to throw things away meant that I would need them some day. Let's hope not! Anyway, I think this is all a life experience until my kids start throwing my treasures away! GET BACK....GET BACK!
Lee was always a big help as usual. He walks around with a big question mark above his head when we girls are together.
Who's idea was this anyway? Where is the love, where is the gratitude? You've got to be kidding!
It's not every grandmother that can sit in their grandchild's car seat!
I can only imagine how upset Grandma was. My heart goes out to her but I also commend you ladies on what had to be done.
Congratulations! You tackled quite a job.
Grandma wouldn't have done that for anyone. I know deep down she is relieved. Even if it doesn't show!!
I am so glad someone took pictures. I called each day and got the stories, but I love to see the pictures. I am sure that grandma appreciates what you all did.
Thankyou so much for helping my Dad. I can't tell you how it warms my heart to know that you would make that kind of sacrifice for him. I that he appreciates it as well. I wish that I could have been there to help. I am so thankful and feel so blessed to have good people loving him when I can't be there. I love you so much for ALL you do! Love, Amy p.s. grandma will get over it.
Oh Verlinda, I miss you. I don't think Mom will appreciate what we did but she will adjust. I am just so grateful that we did it together. I am especially glad that Greg has a place. Since I've been home, closets and drawers are threatening me but I'm too tired to care. Please come help me! Love you.
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