I had the opportunity to help my friend Maura with a little welcome home for her son who had just gotten home from serving in Iraq in the Marine Corps. He was in a very dangerous place and felt that what he was doing was very necessary. I think he became close to some of the villagers and sees a need for us to be there. Anyway, we talk about how much we love America, and know that we have strong feelings, but I was so overwhelmed with patriotism when he came home it was tangible. He did not know it but when they brought him home from the airport, friends and neighbors had lined the street holding American Flags and we had music playing loudly. There were people who had put up signs in their yards, and were flying flags on their houses. The little scouts were saluting, people were clapping, and of course, I was crying. I can't even imagine what it is like to have someone in harms way, but I can say that I am grateful for each and everyone of them and pray for them daily. God Bless America!